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3D Picture of Position and Names Of Different Glands of Human Body. Created by Me (Manash Kundu) |
glands of the human endocrine system. The hypothalamus stimulates the gland and influences food intake, weight
regulation, fluid intake and balance, thirst, body heat, and the sleep
cycle. hormones stimulate growth, egg
and sperm development, milk secretion, and release of hormones by other glands.
The pineal gland may play a significant role in sexual maturation and the
circadian rhythm. Thyroid hormones regulate the metabolic rate of tissues,
stimulate the contraction of heart muscle, and are necessary for normal growth
and brain development before birth and during infancy. Parathyroid hormone
regulates calcium, phosphorus, and magnesium levels. The adrenal glands
regulate salt and water retention, some reactions of the immune system, and
blood pressure. The islets of Langerhans regulate blood sugar levels. The
ovaries and testes produce hormones that regulate the reproductive system and
that produce male and female secondary sex characteristics.
Position and Names Of Different Glands of Human Body |
system consists of glands widely separated from each other with no direct
links.Endocrine glands consists of groups of secretory cells surrounded by an
extensive network of capillaries that facilitates diffusion of
hormones(Chemical messengers) from the secretory cell into the bloodstream.They
are commonly referred to as the ductless glands because hormones diffuse directly into the bloodstream. The
hormone is then carried in the bloodstream to target tissues and organs that
may be quite distant,where they influence cellular growth and metabolism.
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3D Picture of Position and Names Of Different Glands of Human Body created by me (Manash Kundu) |
Homeostasis of the
internal environment is maintained partly by the autonomic nervous system and
partly by the endocrine system.The autonomic nervous system is concerned with
rapid changes,while hormones of the endocrine system are mainly involved in
slower and more precise adjustments.
system consists of a number of distinct glands and some tissues in the other
organs. Although the hypothalamus is
classified as a part of the brain and not as an endocrine gland it controls the
pituitary gland and has an indirect effect on many others.The ovaries and
testes secrete hormones associated with the reproductive system after puberty.
When a
hormone arrives at its target cell,It binds to a specific area,The
receptor,where its act as a switch influencing chemical or metabolic reactions
inside the cell.The receptor of peptide hormone are
situated on the cell membrane and those
for lipid based hormones are inside the cell.
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3D Pictures of Different Hormones and their affecting organs created by me (Manash Kundu) |
compound (often a steroid or peptide) that is produced in one part of a
multicellular organism and travels to another part to exert its action.
regulate physiological activities including growth, reproduction, and
homeostasis in vertebrates; molting and maintenance of the larval state in insects; and growth, bud dormancy, and
leaf shedding in plants. Most vertebrate hormones originate in specialized
tissues and are carried to their targets
through the circulation. Among the many mammalian hormones are ACTH, sex
hormones, thyroxine, insulin, and epinephrine. Insect hormones include
ecdysone, thoracotropic hormone, and juvenile hormone. Plant hormones include
ethylene, abscisin, auxins, gibberellins, and cytokinins.
1) Adrenaline(epinephrine)
2) Noradrenaline (Norepinephrine)
based hormone:
1) Steroid: glucocorticoid, mineralocorticoid.
Thyroid hormones.
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3D Picture of Pituitary Gland , its components and its Hormones (With Affecting Organs) created by me (Manash Kundu) |
gland lying on the underside of the brain that plays a major role in regulating
the endocrine system. Major Hormones are secreted from this main Gland Therefore it also call "Master Gland".
Some of
the hormones secreted by the anterior lobe (adenohypophysis) stimulate or
inhibit secretion by other endocrine glands(Target galnds) while others have a
direct effect on target tissue.
release of an anterior pituitary hormone follows stimulation of the gland by a
specific releasing hormone produced by the hypothalamus and carried to the gland through the pituitary portal
system of blood vessels.When there is a
low level of a hormone in the blood supplying the hypothalamus it produces the
appropiate releasing hormone that stimulates release of a trophic hormone by
the anterior pituitary.This in turn stimulates the target gland to produce and release its hormone. As a
result the blood level of that hormone rises and inhibits the secretion of
releasing factor by the hypothalamus.
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Hormones From Pituitary Gland Created By Me (Manash Kundu) |
Hormones of Anterior Pituitary
hormone is synthesised by the anterior pituitory and its release is stimulated
by TRH from the hypothalamus.It stimulate growth and activity of the thyroid
gland, which secretes the hormones thyroxine(T4) and triiodothyronine(T3). Release
is lowest in the early evening and highest during night.Secretion is regulated
when the blood level of thyroid hormones is high, secretion of TSH is reduced
and vice versa.
puberty two gonadotrophins(sex hormones) are secreted by the anterior pituitory
in response to luteinising hormone releasing hormone(LHRH) also known as
gonadotrophin releasing hormone(GnRh). In both males and females these are
Follicle stimulating hormone:(FSH)
Luteinising hormone:(LH)
LH and
FSH are involved in secretion of the hormones osetrogen and pogesterone during
the menstral cycle as the level of oestrogen and pogesterone rise, secretion of
LH and FSH is supressed.
In Males:
LH also
called interstitial cell stimulating hormone(ICSH) stimulates the interstitial
cells of the testes to secrete the hormone testosterone.
releasing hormone(CRH) from the hypothalamus promotes the synthesis and release
of ACTH by the anterior pituitory.This increases the concentration of
cholesterol and steroids within the adrenal cortex and the output of steroid
hormones, especially cortisol. ACTH levels are highest at about 8 a.m. and fall
to their lowest about midnight,although high levels sometimes occur at midday
and 6 p.m..This circardian rhythm is maintained throughout life.It is
associated with the sleep pattern and adjustment to changes takes several days
following, e.g. changing work shifts taveling to a different time zone. It is
supressed when the blood level of ACTH rises.Other factors that stimulate
secretion include hypoglycaemia, exercise and stressors, e.g. emotional states
and fever.
hormone stimulate the lactation(milk production) and has a direct effect on the
breast immediately after childbirth.The blood level of prolactin is stimulated
by prolactin relaesing hormone(PRH)
released from the hypothalmus and it is lowered by prolactin.After birth
sucking stimulates prolactin secretion and lactation. The resultant high blood
level is a factor in reducing the incidence of conception during lactation.
together with oestrogens ,corticosteroids,insulin and thyroxine is involved in
initiating and maintaining lactation.Prolactin secretion is related to sleep,
i.e. it is raised during any period of sleep,night or day.Emotional stress
increases production.
This is
the most abundant hormone synthesised by the anterior pituitory.It stimulates
growth and division of most body cells but especially those in the bones and
skeletal muscles.Body growth in response to the secretion of GH maintains the
mass of bones and skeletal muscles.It also regulates aspects of metabolism in
many organs, e.g. liver,intestine, and pancreas; stimulates protein synthesis;
promotes break-down of fats and increses blood glucose level. It releases is
stimulated by growth hormone releasing hormone(GHRH) and
supressed by growth hormone release inhibiting hormone(GHRIH). Both of
which secreted by the hypothalamus. Secretion og GH is greater during sleep and
is also stimulated by hypoglycaemia,exercise and anxiety.
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3D Picture of Pituitary Gland , its components and its Hormones (With Affecting Organs) created by me (Manash Kundu) |
structure of the posterior pituitary gland and its relationship with the
hypothalamus is same as anterior pituitary.Oxytocin and antidiuretic
hormone (ADH or vasopressin) are
the hormones synthesised in the hypothalamus and then stored in the axon
terminals within the posterior pituitary gland.These hormones acts directly on
non-endocrine tissue and their release from synaptic vesicles by exocytosis is
stimulated by nerve impulses from the hypothalamus.
of Posterior Pituitary Lobe:
stimulates two target tissues during and after childbirth: uterine smooth
muscle and the muscle cells of the lactating breast. During childbirth
increasing amounts of oxytocin are released by the posterior pituitory into the
bloodstream in response to increasing distension of sensory streach receptors
in the uterine cervix by the baby`s head.Sensory impulses is generated and
travel to the control centre in the hypothalamus,stimulating the posterior
pituitory to release more oxytocin.In turn this stimulates more forceful
uterine contractions and greater steaching of the uterine cervix as the baby`s
head is forced further downwards.Which stops soon after the baby is delivered
when distension of the uterine cervix is greatly reduced.
generates sensory impulses that are transmitted from the breast to the
hypothalamus.The impulses trigger the release of oxytocin from the posterior
pituitory and oxytocin stimulate contraction of the myoepithelial cells around
the glandular cells and ducts of the lactating braest to contract,ejecting
milk.Suckling also inhibits the release of prolactin
inhibiting hormone (PIH) , prolonging prolactin secretion
and lactation.
Antidiuretic Hormone (ADH) or Vasopressin:
The main
effect of this hormone is to reduce urine output. ADH increases the
permeability to water of the distal convoluted and collecting tubules of the
nephrons of the kidneys. As a result the reabsorption of water from the
glomerular filtrate is increased. The amount of ADH secreted is influenced by
the osmotic pressure of the blood circulating to the osmoreceptors in the
hypothalamus. As the osmotic pressure rises, the secretion of ADH increases as
in for example, dehydration and following haemorrhage. More water is therefore
reabsorbed and the urine output is reduced. This means that the body retains
more water and the rise in osmotic pressure of the blood is low for example
after a large fluid intake, secretion of ADH is reduced, less water is
reabsorbed and more urine is produced.
Severe blood loss ADH causes smooth muscle contraction, especially
vasoconstriction in the blood vessels of the skin and abdominal organs. This
has a pressure effect, raising systemic blood pressure ; The alternative of
this hormone, Vasopressin, reflects this effect.
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3D Picture of Thyroid Gland and its Components created by me (Manash Kundu) |
gland is situated in the neck in front of the larynx and trachea at the level
of the 5th, 6th and 7th cervical and 1st thoracic vertebrae.It is highly
vascular gland that weighs anbout 25 g and is surrounded by a fibrous
capsule.It resembles butterfly in shape,consisting of two lobes, one on either
side of the thyroid cartilage and upper cartilaginous rings of the trachea.The
lobes are joined by a narrow isthmuslying in front of trachea.The lobes are
roughly cone shaped.
of Thyroid Gland:
Iodine is
essential for the formation of the thyroid gland hormones,Thyroxine(T4) and
tri-iodothyronine(T3).The body`s main sources of iodine are seafood,vegetables
grown in iodine rich soil and iodinated table salt in the diet.The thyroid
gland selectively takes up iodine from the blood, a process called iodine
thyroid hormones are synthesised as large precursor molecules called
thyroglobulin, the major constituent is colloid.The release of T3 and T4 into
the blood is regulated by thyroid stimulating hormone(TSH)
from the anterior pituitary. Secretion of TSH is stimulated by thyroid
releasing hormone(TRH) from the hypothalamus and secretion TRH is
stimulated by exercise,stress, malnutrition, low plasma glucose and sleep.The
level of secretion of TSH depends on plasma levels of T3 and T4 because these
hormone affect the sensitivity of the anterior pituitary to TRH.When the supply
of iodine is deficient,excess TSH is secreted and there is proliferation of
thyroid gland cells and enlargement of the gland
It increasing the basal metabolic rate and
heat production:
Regulating metabolism of
carbohydrates,proteins and fats:
hormone is secreted by the parafollicular or C-cells in the thyroid gland.It
acts on bone and the kidneys to reduce the blood calcium(Ca 2+) level when it
is raised.It reduces the reabsorption of calcium by the renal tubules.Its
effect is opposite to that of parathyroid hormone.The hormone secreted by the
parathyroid glands.Release of calcitonin is stimulated by an increase in the
blood calcium level.This hormone is important during childhood when bones
undergo considerable changes in size and shape.
This is
the hormone secreted by the thymus gland and is required for the development of
T-Lymphocytes for cell-mediated immunity.
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3D Picture of Parathyroid Gland and its Components created by me (Manash Kundu) |
There are
4 small parathyroid glands,two embedded in the posterior surface of each lobe
of the thyroid gland.They are surrounded by fine connective tissue capsules.The
cells forming the glands are spherical in shape and are arranged in columns
with channels containing blood between them.
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3D Picture of Parathyroid Gland and its Components created by me (Manash Kundu) |
secretes parathyroid hormone(PTH), the main function is to
increase the blood calcium level when it is low.This is achieved by indirectly
increasing the amount of calcium absorbed from the small intestine and reabsorbed
from the renal tubules.If inadequate supply provided then PTH stimulates
Oestoclasts(Bone-destroying cells) and resorption of calcium from bones
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3D Picture of Adrenal Gland created by me (Manash Kundu) |
The medulla is completely surrounded by the adrenal cortex. It
developed from nervous tissue in the embryo and is part of the sympathetic
division of the autonomic nervous system.
1) Adrenaline (Epinephrine)
2) Noradrenaline (Norepinephrine)
1) Increasing Heart rate.
2) Increasing Blood Pressure.
3) Diverting blood to essential organs including the heart, brain
and skeletal muscles by dialting their blood vessel.
4) Increasing metabolic rate.
adrenal cortex produces three groups of steroid hormones from colesterol.They
are collectivly called adrenocorti-
they are:
Sex hormones(Androgens):
1) They have
widespread metabolic effects and these include:
Gluconeogenesis: formation of new sugar from(for example protein) and
hypoglycaemia(raised blood glucose level).
Lypolysis: (Breakdown of triglycerides into fatty acids and glycerol for energy
Stimulating breakdown of protein releasing amino-acids which can be used for
synthesis of other protein.
Promoting absorption of sodium and water from renal tubules.
Anti-inflammatory actions.
Suppression of immune responses.
Delayed wound healing.
is the main mineralocorticoid .Its functions are associated with the
maintenance of water and electrolyte balance in the body.It stimulate the
reabsorption of sodium (Na+) by the renal tubules and excretion of
potassium(K+)in the urine. Sodium reabsorption is also accompanied by retention
of water and therefore aldosterone is involved in the regulation of blood
volume and blood pressure too.
This is a
small body attached to the roof of the 3rd Ventricle and is connected to it by
a short stalk containing nerves, many of which terminate in the hypothalamus.
Coordination of the circadian and diurnal rhythms of many tissues, possibly by
influencing the hypothalamus.
2) Inhibition
of growth and development of the sex organs before puberty, possibly by
preventing synthesis or release of gonadotrophins.
hormone are synthesised by the mast cells in the tissues and basophils in
blood.It is released as a part of the inflammatory process, increasing
capillary permeability and causing vasodilatation.It also causes contraction of
muscle of
the brochi and alimentary tract and stimulates the secretion of gastric juice.
This is present in platelets, in the brain and in
the intestinal wall.It acuses intestinal secretion and contraction of smooth
and its role in haemostasis(Blood clotting).
The inflammatory response.
Potentiating pain.
Regulating blood pressure.
Blood clotting.
Uterine contractions during labour.
Masculinizing sex
hormone produced by the testes.
It is responsible for
the development of the male sex organs and secondary sex characteristics (e.g.,
facial hair, masculine musculature, deep voice, and male-pattern baldness).
Testosterone can be manufactured by modifying other, less expensive steroids. It
is used in the treatment of hypogonadism, undescended testes (cryptorchism),
and certain cancers.
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3D Picture of Pancreas and its components created by me (Manash Kundu) |
of Pancreas:
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Picture of Pancreas and its Hormones |
is a polypeptide consisting of about 50 amino acids and fatty acids.When these
nutrients, especially glucose, are in excess of immediate needs insulin
promotes their storage by:
1) Acting
on cell membrane and stimulating uptake and use of glucose by muscle and
connective tissue cells.
Increasing conversion of glucose to glycogen.Specially in the liver and
skeletal muscles.
Accelerating uptake of amino acids by cells, and the synthesis of protein.
Promoting synthesis of fatty acids and storage of fat in adipose
Decreasing glycogenolysis(braekdown of glycogen into glucose).
Preventing the breakdown of protein and fat and gluconeogenesis(Formation of
new sugar from,e.g.,protein).
effects of glucagon increase blood glucose levels by stimulating:
Conversion of glycogen to glucose in the liver and skeletal muscles(Glycogenolysis)
effect of this hormone,also produced by the hypothalamus,is to inhibit the
secretion of both insulin and glucagon in addition to inhibiting the secretion
of GH from the anterior pituitary.
Caused by Abnormal secretion of Hormones:
occurs in children when there is excess GH while epiphyseal cartilages of long
bones are still growing i.e. before ossification
of bones is complete.It is evident mainly in the bones of the limbs and
affected individuals amy grow to heights of 2.1 to
2.4 m, although body proportions remain normal.
occur in adults when there is excess GH after ossification is complete.The
bones become abnormally thick and there is
thickening of the soft tissues.
effects more women than men and may occur in any age between 30 to 50 years.It
is autoimmune disorder in which
antibody that mimics the effects of TSH is produced,Causing:
Goitre(Visible enlargement of gland) as the
antibody stimulates thyroid growth.
Exophthalmos : Protrusion of the eyeballs due to the deposition of excess fat and fibrous tissue behind the eyes;
Exophthalmos : Protrusion of the eyeballs due to the deposition of excess fat and fibrous tissue behind the eyes;
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3D Picture of a Person with Exophthalmos created by me (Manash Kundu) |
Tetany: There are very strong
painful spasms of skeletal musclescausing characteristic bending inwards of the
hands,forearms and feets
Painfull adiposity of the face(Moon face)
neck and abdomen.
Excess protein breakdown,acusing thinning of
subcutaneous tissue and muscle wasting,specially of the limbs.
Diminished protein synthesis.
Suppression of growth hormone causing arrest
of growth in children.
The third pictures gives the impression that the position of the testes in the human body are between the legs, but the position of the ovaries in the human body are actually hovering next to the body about a foot to the human's left. If you want to teach people the position of glands, then you must actually depict these glands within the human body.
ReplyDeleteIf you want to show all the glands in one image, the second image uses a good compromise; it depicts an intersex person who has both ovaries and testes, so it shows the correct position of both sets of glands. But I get seriously annoyed when a text only depicts male bodies and has disembodied female organs hovering or in boxes nearby; it conveys the idea that to be male is the normal human condition while women are some sort of strange deviation from the norm, and it also makes it hard to learn where exactly female internal organs are in relation to the rest of the body.