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Saturday, 28 April 2012

Trimurti : Brahma (The Creator) , Vishnu (The Presever), Shiva (The Destroyer For Divine change).

Trimurti: Brahma (The Creator) ,Vishnu (The Preserver) and Shiva (The Destroyer)

Brahmā (Sanskrit: ब्रह्मा;)
Is the Hindu god (deva) of creation and one of the Trimūrti, the others being Vishņu and Śiva. According to the Brahmā Purāņa, he is the father of Manu, and from Manu all human beings are descended. In the Rāmāyaņa and the Mahābhārata, he is often referred to as the progenitor or great grandsire of all human beings. He is not to be confused with the Supreme Cosmic Spirit in Hindu Vedānta philosophy known as Brahmān, which is genderless. Brahmā's wife is Saraswati.

Devi Saraswati Wife of Lord Brahma

Saraswati is also known by names such as Sāvitri and Gāyatri, and has taken different forms. Saraswati is the Vedic Goddess, revered as Vedamāta, meaning Mother of the Vedas. Brahmā is often identified with Prajāpati, a Vedic deity.

Lord Brahma : The Supreme Creator of The World and Four Vedas
According to the Purāņas, Brahmā is self-born in the lotus flower. Another legend says that Brahmā was born in water. A seed that later became the golden egg. From this golden egg, Brahmā the creator was born, as Hiranyagarbha. The remaining materials of this golden egg expanded into the Brahmāna or Universe. Being born in water, Brahmā is also called Kanja (born in water). Brahmā is said also to be the son of the Supreme Being, Brahmān, and the female energy known as Prakŗti or Māyā.

Lord Brahma or Prajapati

The image depiction displaying the connection by lotus between Brahmā and Vishņu can also be taken as a symbolism for the primordial fetus and primordial placenta. The placenta is generated upon conception, but only the fetus continues into the world afterward. Likewise, Brahmā is involved in creation, but Vishņu continues thereafter.Vishnu with Lakshmi, on the serpent Ananta Shesha, as Brahmā emerges from a lotus risen from Vishņu's navel

At the beginning of the process of creation, Brahmā creates the four Kumāras or the Caturaņa. However, they refuse his order to procreate and instead devote themselves to God and celibacy.

He then proceeds to create from his mind ten sons or Prajāpatis (used in another sense), who are believed to be the fathers of the human race. The Manusmŗti and Bhāgavat Purāņa enumerate them as Marīci, Atri, Angīrā, Pulastya, Pulaha, Kratu, Vasisţha, Daksha, Bhŗgu, and Nārada. Brahmā had many other offspring from various parts of his body but since all these sons were born out of his mind rather than body, they are called Mānas Putras or mind-sons or spirits.

Within Vedic and Purāņic scripture Brahmā is described as only occasionally interfering in the affairs of the other devas (gods), and even more rarely in mortal affairs. He did force Soma to give Tara back to her husband, Bŗhaspati. Among the offspring from his body are Dharma and Adharma, Krodha, Lobha, and others.

After The creation, Lord Brahma formed the Rules of Creation Through four Vedas 1) Rig, 2) Sama, 3) Yajur, and 4) Atharva Vedas.Then Lord Brahma  taught the Knowledge of four Vedas to his Manas-Putra (sons were born out of his mind rather than body) also known as Sapta Rishis (Seven Great Sages: Marīci, Atri, Angīrā, Pulastya, Pulaha, Kratu, Vasisţha) through recital of Slokas (Sanskrit Poems to perform various  sacred Rituals or Jagnays) on mouth.Therefore Sacred Vedas known as Shruti (Memorise through recitals on mouth).

Among The many sons of Lord Brahma  King Daksha was very famous. He has many daughters ,some of daughter Named Diti and Aditi was married to famous Rishi Kashyap. Sons Of Diti Known as Daityas or Asura and Sons of Aditi Known as Aditya or Devas.From  Rishi Kashyap all Devas Asura and Nagas was born. Another Famous Daughter of King Daksha Known as Sati was became the wife of lord Shiva.

Rishi Kashyap
 Vedas constructed the major pillars of Ancient Hindu Dharma .Vedas established a Beautiful harmonic system to help ancient vedic people to did their  regular works and lead their life harmoniously with the vast nature.This Scientific Method of lifestyle help to flourished Hindu Vedic Culture upto its Highest Level. Vedic people know how to achieved all  1) Dharma 2) Artha 3) Kama 4) Moksha during the whole lifetime. Therefore Vedic People divided their lifetime into four distinct Phase which were  1) Brahmacharya, 2) Gruhasta, 3) Vanaprasta and 4) Sanyas .

1) Brahmacharya :
From Birth to till Teenage, Vedic People spend their time as a student and study the Vedas and other Knowledge books from their specified Gurukul (Teachers House or Hermitage) . This was continued upto the young age of 25 or 26 years.

2) Gruhasta :
People Started Their Family life after marriage and gave birth to childrens upto the age of 40 to 45 years.

3) Vanaprasta:
People was to forsaken all his belongings (Materialistic Treasures) and gave to his/her next generation, go to the forest and lead the Ashram or Hemit Life. Eating only Fruits and Vegetables and prepared their life to attain Nirvana or Moksha. This was continue till the age of 60 to 65 years.

4) Sanyas :
Vedic people was to Live a life of Sanyashi or Jogi by stopped feeding and started intense meditation for God.This life end with attaining Moksha or Nirvana (Unified with supreme God).

Therefore Lord Brahma Known As a Creator of This World and Four Vedas.

Vishnu (Sanskrit विष्णु ) 

Lord Vishnu : The Supreme Preserver

is the supreme God in the Vaishnavite tradition of Hinduism. Smarta followers of Adi Shankara, among others, venerate Vishnu as one of the five primary forms of God The Vishnu Sahasranama declares Vishnu as Paramatman (supreme soul) and Parameshwara (supreme God). It describes Vishnu as the All-Pervading essence of all beings, the master of—and beyond—the past, present and future, one who supports, sustains and governs the Universe and originates and develops all elements within. Vishnu governs the aspect of preservation and sustenance of the universe, so he is called "Preserver of the universe".

Lord Vishnu Upholder of Creation from all Evils

In the Puranas, Vishnu is described as having the divine colour of water filled clouds, four-armed, holding a lotus, mace, shankha (conch) and chakra (wheel). Vishnu is also described in the Bhagavad Gita as having a 'Universal Form' (Vishvarupa) which is beyond the ordinary limits of human perception or imagination.

In almost all Hindu denominations, Vishnu is either worshipped directly or in the form of his ten avatara, most famous of whom are Rama and Krishna. The Puranabharti describes each of these Dasavatara of Vishnu. Among the ten principal Avatara described, nine have occurred in the past and one will take place in the future, at the end of Kali Yuga. These incarnations take place in all Yugas in cosmic scales, the avatars and their stories show that god is indeed unimaginable, unthinkable and unbelievable. The Bhagavad Gita mentions their purpose as being to rejuvenate Dharma and vanquish negative forces, the forces of evil that threaten Dharma, as also to display His divine nature in front of the conditioned/fallen souls.

Dasha Avatar or Lord Vishnu

After The Creation of This world by Lord Brahma , Lord Vishnu take  Charge to Preserve this Creation to Every Jugyas ( Long various Timespan ) . According to Hindu Mythology there are four Jugyas 1) Satya (Age of Rightness) 2) Treta 3) Dwapar and 4) Kali . To Preserve Creation and attain Harmony Lord Vishnu Reincarnated into earth in Various ten(10) Lifeforms which are known as Dash-Avatar. In Gita Lord Krishna said to Arjuna that I will born again and again  to destroy Evil (Adharma)  and preserve Rightness (Dharma) on earth. Ten Avatars of Lord Vishnu were Known as :

1) Matshya-Avatar:

1) Matshya-Avatar:
According to the Matsya Purana, the king of pre-ancient Dravida and a devotee of Vishnu, Satyavrata who later was known as Manu was washing his hands in a river when a little fish swam into his hands and pleaded with him to save its life. He put it in a jar, which it soon outgrew. He then moved it to a tank, a river and then finally the ocean but to no avail. The fish then revealed himself to be Vishnu and told him that a deluge would occur within seven days that would destroy all life. Therefore, Satyavrata was instructed to take "all medicinal herbs, all the varieties of seeds, and accompanied by the seven saints”[4] along with the serpent Vasuki and other animals. Lord Matsya is generally represented as a four-armed figure with the upper torso of a man and the lower of a fish.His consort is Shri.

2) Kurma-Avatar:

2) Kurma-Avatar:
The Kurma Avatara of Vishnu is associated with Samudra manthan. In Hinduism, Samudra manthan or Ksheera Sagara Mathanam, churning of the ocean of milk is one of the most famous episodes in the Puranas. The story appears in the Bhagavata Purana, the Mahabharata and the Vishnu Purana.

3) Baraha-Avatar:

3) Baraha-Avatar:
Varaha Avatar (Sanskrit: वराह) is the third Avatar of the Hindu Godhead Vishnu, in the form of a Varaha (Boar). He appeared in order to defeat Hiranyaksha, a demon who had taken the Earth (Prithvi) and carried it to the bottom of what is described as the cosmic ocean in the story. The battle between Varaha and Hiranyaksha is believed to have lasted for a thousand years, which the former finally won. Varaha carried the Earth out of the ocean between his tusks and restored it to its place in the universe. Vishnu married Prithvi (Bhudevi) in this avatar.

4) Narsimha-Avartar:

4) Narsimha-Avartar:
Narasimha (Sanskrit: नरसिंह, Narasimha) or Nrusimha (नृसिंह,), also spelled as Narasingh and Narasingha, whose name literally translates from Sanskrit as "Man-lion", is an avatar of the Lord Shri Krishna according to Shrimad Bhagwat Purana, Scandh(chapter) Seven. "In the fourteenth incarnation, the Lord appeared as Nrisimha and bifurcated the strong body of the atheist Hiranyakasipu (Father of Prahlada) with His nails, just as a carpenter pierces cane." and one of Hinduism's most popular deities, as evidenced in early epics, iconography, and temple and festival worship for over a millennium.

5) Vamana-Avatar:

5) Vamana-Avatar:
In VAMANA Avatar, Lord Vishnu incarnates himself as a dwarf priest in this world. BALI, the grandson of Prahlada was a very valorous and mighty asura. By his penance and might, he conquered the whole world. Indra and other gods fearing that he and asuras would conquer all the three worlds, went to Lord Vishnu for help. Lord Vishnu was then born as a dwarf Vamana in the household of a brahmana(priest). He went to Bali on growing up and asked for alms. Bali was delighted to offer him anything he requested even though his priest warned him that it was Lord Vishnu. 

Vamana then requested for the amount of land that could come under his three feet. Bali gracefully agreed. Lord Vishnu then grew in size and covered the earth and heaven in two stride. And due to lack of space, he put his third leg on Bali himself and crushed Bali to the nether or the Patala loka(underground world), thus helping the Gods out.

6) Parashurama-Avatar:

6) Parashurama-Avatar:
Once, when Parashurama returned home, he found his mother crying hysterically. When asked why she was crying, she said his father had been killed mercilessly by Kartavirya Arjuna. She beat her chest 21 times in sorrow and anguish at her husband's death. In a rage, Parashurama vowed to exterminate the world's Kshatriyas 21 times. He killed the entire clan of Kartavirya Arjuna (or Sahasrarjuna) and then conquered the entire earth. He then conducted the Ashvamedha sacrifice, done only by sovereign kings, and gave the entire land he owned to the head-priest who performed at the yagya, viz. Kashyapa.

Lord Rama with His Brother Laxmana and Wife Sita and Lord Hanuman Standing Behind Left and Lord Surya standing Behind Right

7) Rama-Avatar:

7) Rama-Avatar:

Rama's life and journey is one of perfect adherence to dharma despite harsh tests of life and time. He is pictured as the ideal man and the perfect human. For the sake of his father's honour, Rama abandons his claim to Kosala's throne to serve an exile of fourteen years in the forest.His wife Sita and brother Lakshmana, unable to live without Rama, decide to join him, and all three spend the fourteen years in exile together. While in exile, Sita is kidnapped by Ravana, the Rakshasa (Asura) monarch of Lanka. After a long and arduous search that tests his personal strength and virtue, Rama fights a colossal war against Ravana's armies. In a war of powerful and magical beings, greatly destructive weaponry and battles, Rama slays Ravana in battle and liberates his wife. Having completed his exile, Rama returns to be crowned king in Ayodhya (the capital of his kingdom) and eventually becomes emperor, rules with happiness, peace, prosperity and justice—a period known as Rama Rajya.

Lord Krishna With Radha

8) Krishna-Avatar:
Kurukshetra War and Bhagavad Gita
Krishna Mediating between the Pandavas and Kauravas ,Once battle seemed inevitable, Krishna offered both sides the opportunity to choose between having either his army called narayani sena or himself alone, but on the condition that he personally would not raise any weapon. Arjuna, on behalf of the Pandavas, chose to have Krishna on their side, and Duryodhana, Kaurava prince, chose Krishna's army. At the time of the great battle, Krishna acted as Arjuna's charioteer, since this position did not require the wielding of weapons.

8) Krishna-Avatar: Little Krishna

Upon arrival at the battlefield, and seeing that the enemies are his family, his grandfather, his cousins and loved ones, Arjuna becomes doubtful about the fight. He lost all his hopes and put down his Gandiv (Arjuna's bow). Krishna then advises him about the battle, with the conversation soon extending into a

Krishna Arjuna at Kurukshetra-War

Lord Krishna defining Bishwarup-Form to Arjuna At Kurukshetra during explaining Gita-Knowledge

discourse which was later compiled as the Bhagavad Gita. Bhagavad Gita is the Gist or Summery of the Four Vedas.

9) Buddha-Avatar:

9) Buddha-Avatar:
In Hinduism, Buddha is regarded as the ninth incarnation of Vishnu, following Ram and Krishna. That is obviously a real honour, even though Buddhism may not see it that way. Buddhism in fact does not believe in Gods and sees him only as the incarnation of a realized being. Nevertheless, various forms of Buddha are worshipped in Buddhism in ways that are very similar to the worship of Hindu gods.

10) Kalki-Avatar:

10) Kalki-Avatar:

3D Picture of Lord Kalki With His Flying Horse

In Hinduism, Kalki (Devanagari: कल्कि;) is the tenth and final Maha Avatar (great incarnation) of Vishnu who will bring to an end the present age of darkness and destruction known as Kali Yuga. He will establish a new era based on truth, righteousness, humanism and goodness, called Satya Yuga. The name Kalki is often a metaphor for eternity or time. The origins of the name probably lie in the Sanskrit word "kalka" which refers to mud, dirt, filth, or foulness and hence denotes the "destroyer of foulness," "destroyer of confusion," "destroyer of darkness," or "annihilator of ignorance." Other similar and divergent interpretations based on varying etymological derivations from Sanskrit - including one simply meaning "White Horse" - have been made.

In the Buddhist Kalachakra tradition, some 25 rulers of the legendary Shambhala Kingdom have the title of Kalki, Kulika or Kalki-king

Therefore Lord Vishnu Known As a Preserver of This World .

Shiva ( Sanskrit: शिव) 

Lord Shiva With His Child Ganesha

Is supreme hindu deity Hindu deity, and is the destroyer of evil or transformer among the Trimurti, the Hindu Trinity of the primary aspects of the divine. Shiva is a yogi who has notice of everything that happens in the world and is the main aspect of life. Yet one with great power, he lives a life of a sage at Mount Kailash. In the Shaiva tradition of Hinduism, Shiva is seen as the Supreme God and has five important works: creator, preserver, destroyer, concealer, and revealer (to bless). In the Smarta tradition, he is regarded as one of the five primary forms of God. Followers of Hinduism who focus their worship upon Shiva are called Shaivites or Shaivas (Sanskrit Śaiva). Shaivism, along with Vaiava traditions that focus on Vishnu and Śākta traditions that focus on the goddess Shakti, is one of the most influential denominations in Hinduism.


Shiva is usually worshipped in the abstract form of Shiva linga. In images, he is represented as immersed in deep meditation or dancing the Tandava dance upon Apasmara, the demon of ignorance in his manifestation of Nataraja, the Lord of the dance. He is also the father of the deities Ganesha, Murugan (Kartikeya), and Ayyappan (Dharma Sastha).

Shiva as we know him today shares many features with the Vedic god Rudra, and both Shiva and Rudra are viewed as the same personality in a number of Hindu traditions. Rudra, the god of the roaring storm, is usually portrayed in accordance with the element he represents as a fierce, destructive deity.

The oldest surviving text of Hinduism is the Rig Veda, which is dated to between 1700 and 1100 BC based on linguistic and philological evidence. A god named Rudra is mentioned in the Rig Veda. The name Rudra is still used as a name for Shiva. In RV 2.33, he is described as the "Father of the Rudras", a group of storm gods. Furthermore, the Rudram, one of the most sacred hymns of Hinduism found both in the Rig and the Yajur Vedas and addressed to Rudra, invokes him as Shiva in several instances, but the term Shiva is used as an epithet for Indra, Mitra and Agni many times.

The identification of Shiva with the older god Rudra is not universally accepted, as Axel Michaels explains:

Rudra is called "The Archer" (Sanskrit: Śarva), and the arrow is an essential attribute of Rudra. This name appears in the Shiva Sahasranama, and R. K. Sharma notes that it is used as a name of Shiva often in later languages.The word is derived from the Sanskrit root śarv-, which means "to injure" or "to kill",and Sharma uses that general sense in his interpretive translation of the name Śarva as "One who can kill the forces of darkness".The names Dhanvin ("Bowman") and Bāahasta ("Archer", literally "Armed with arrows in his hands") also refer to archer.

Family of Lord Shiva with Wife Parvati, Children Ganesha and Kartikeya.

Shiva's Family Symbolizes Harmony And Unity

Swami described how the vehicles of Shiva, Parvati, Ganesha, Subramanya and the objects (snakes) worn on Shiva's body are getting on harmoniously, though they are in their original nature, antagonistic to each other. "For example, the lion, the vehicle of Parvati, is living in peace with the elephant, the form of Ganesha, and the bull, the vehicle of Shiva; the peacock, the vehicle of Subramanya is bearing no enmity towards the snake, the garland of Shiva. Unity in a family is me basis of unity in society. Though there are lots of common features among mankind, people are not able to visualize their unity. The cause for the lack of peace in the world is the absence of harmony in thought, word and deed in each individual".

Family of Lord Shiva with Wife Parvati, Children Ganesha and Kartikeya.

"In the divine family of Lord Shiva, we should understand that Shiva represents energy, Parvati nature, Buddhi (intellect) and Siddhi (fulfillment) are symbolic of Ganapati and Subramanya. They are all one, though conceived in different forms. All the five fingers, in the hands are not alike but different in size and shape. But when you do any work, they join together to give maximum effect. If all are equal in size, it will not be functioning.

Lord Shiva`s Son Ganesha

Devi Laxmi : Goddess of Wealth

Lord Shiva or Rudra was known as Destroyer. Lord Shiva destroy many Ashuras and also blessed them for their intense meditation. Lord Shiva welcome various  new thinkings from other various classes like Ashura, Danava and Nagas during ancient Vedic ages when they were rejected or outcasted by Devatas like Indra, Varun and other minor gods.Shiva also destroy Those Ashura , Danavas when they were became threat for the Harmony of Creation. When Ashura named Tripura created three Beautiful cities on Swarga (Sky ) Martya (Earth) and Patal (Underworld) Lord Shiva supported him but when this Ashur became the Threat for the creation Lord Shiva Himself destroyed those three cities with  one destructive Arrow .

Therefore Lord Shiva Was the Supreme Destroyer which cause Revolutionary or Divine changes which is needed for the Harmony of Creation.

The Trimurti (English: ‘three forms’; Sanskrit: त्रिमूर्तिः trimūrti) 

Trimurti: Brahma (The Creator) ,Vishnu (The Preserver) and Shiva (The Destroyer)

Is a concept in Hinduism "in which the cosmic functions of creation, maintenance, and destruction are personified by the forms of Brahmā the creator, Vishnu the maintainer or preserver, and Śhiva the destroyer or transformer," These three deities have been called "the Hindu triad" or the "Great Trinity", often addressed as "Brahma-Vishnu-Maheshwara."

Trimurti: Brahma (The Creator) ,Vishnu (The Preserver) and Shiva (The Destroyer)

One type of depiction for the Trimurti shows three heads on one neck, and often even three faces on one head, each looking in a different direction. This Three supreme forms are nothing but a unified supreme form of Almighty God who control the true Harmony of this vast universe and natural world. Harmony Of Creation only the major concern of Trimurti (Unified Form of Brahma,Vishnu and Maheswar).

Trimurti: Brahma (The Creator) ,Vishnu (The Preserver) and Shiva (The Destroyer)

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