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Sunday 3 March 2013

Subhaditya News Channel Present Science, Political,Movie Release and Sports News of The week (33)

Subhaditya News Post In Animated Form

Subhaditya NewsWeek 33 Post

Science News This Week:
Science News

1) Sea Lamprey Genome Mapped:

Sea Lamprey Genome Mapped

Beginning in 2004, a group of scientists from around the globe, including two University of Oklahoma faculty members, set out to map the genome of the sea lamprey. The secrets of how this jawless vertebrate separated from the jawed vertebrates early in the evolutionary process will give insight to the ancestry of vertebrate characters and may help investigators more fully understand neurodegenerative diseases in humans.
David McCauley, associate professor in the Biology Department in the OU College of Arts and Sciences, and Sandra W. Clifton, with the OU Center for Advanced Genome Technology, collaborated with scientists from Japan, Germany, the United States, Canada and Great Britain.

McCauley isolated and prepared the liver tissue from the single adult female sea lamprey, from which genomic DNA was isolated for sequencing. Clifton was involved in management of the sea lamprey sequencing project at the Genome Institute at Washington University in St. Louis until her retirement in 2010. The project then was taken over by Patrick Minx. Clifton participated in the discussions regarding the paper preparation, and she is a senior author on the paper. Sequencing was performed at the Genome Institute and the project was directed by Weiming Li at Michigan State University with funding provided by the National Human Genome Research Institute at the National Institutes of Health.

"The sea lamprey is a primitive jawless vertebrate that diverged from other jawed vertebrates early in the vertebrate ancestry," writes McCauley. "Because of its early divergence from other living vertebrates, the sea lamprey genome can provide insights for understanding how vertebrate genomes have evolved, and the origins of vertebrate character traits. Several important findings arise from sequencing the sea lamprey genome: Vertebrates have undergone two 'whole-genome' rounds of duplication, resulting in multiple copies of many genes present in vertebrates. One outstanding question has been the timing of these duplications in vertebrate history. Results from this project suggest that two rounds of duplication predated the divergence of the ancestral lamprey from modern jawed vertebrates. This result is important for understanding how vertebrate genomes have evolved, and in particular, for understanding if the organization of the genome is common to all vertebrates.

"Most vertebrates contain an insulating layer of cells that surround nerve cells. Cells that wrap around a nerve fiber, or axon, are enriched in a protein known as myelin. The insulating properties of myelin allow signals to be conducted rapidly along the nerve fiber, and the loss of myelin results in numerous neurodegenerative diseases in humans."

McCauley adds that lampreys lack these "wrapped" neurons, suggesting the insulated neurons are specific to jawed vertebrates. "Somewhat surprisingly, the sea lamprey genome contains multiple proteins involved in the synthesis of myelin, including its basic protein. This important finding suggests the origin of myelin predated the divergence of lampreys from the lineage leading to jawed vertebrates, but the role of these proteins in lampreys is not known. Other important findings shed light on evolution of the vertebrate adaptive immune system, and the evolution of paired appendages, such as fins in fish and fore-limbs and hind-limbs in tetrapod vertebrates such as humans and animals."

2) New Dinosaur Species: First Fossil Evidence Shows Small Crocs Fed On Baby Dinosaurs:

New Dinosaur Species: First Fossil Evidence Shows Small Crocs Fed On Baby Dinosaurs:

A South Dakota School of Mines & Technology assistant professor and his team have discovered a new species of herbivorous dinosaur and today published the first fossil evidence of prehistoric crocodyliforms feeding on small dinosaurs.Research by Clint Boyd, Ph.D., provides the first definitive evidence that plant-eating baby ornithopod dinosaurs were a food of choice for the crocodyliform, a now extinct relative of the crocodile family. While conducting their research, the team also discovered that this dinosaur prey was a previously unrecognized species of a small ornithopod dinosaur, which has yet to be named.

The evidence found in what is now known as the Grand Staircase Escalante-National Monument in southern Utah dates back to the late Cretaceous period, toward the end of the age of dinosaurs, and was published today in the online journal PLOS ONE. The complete research findings of Boyd and Stephanie K. Drumheller, of the University of Iowa and the University of Tennessee, and Terry A. Gates, of North Carolina State University and the Natural History Museum of Utah, can be accessed online (see journal reference below).

A large number of mostly tiny bits of dinosaur bones were recovered in groups at four locations within the Utah park -- which paleontologists and geologists know as the Upper Cretaceous (Campanian) Kaiparowits Formation -- leading paleontologists to believe that crocodyliforms had fed on baby dinosaurs 1-2 meters in total length.Evidence shows bite marks on bone joints, as well as breakthrough proof of a crocodyliform tooth still embedded in a dinosaur femur.

The findings are significant because historically dinosaurs have been depicted as the dominant species. "The traditional ideas you see in popular literature are that when little baby dinosaurs are either coming out of a nesting grounds or out somewhere on their own, they are normally having to worry about the theropod dinosaurs, the things like raptors or, on bigger scales, the T. rex. So this kind of adds a new dimension," Boyd said. "You had your dominant riverine carnivores, the crocodyliforms, attacking these herbivores as well, so they kind of had it coming from all sides."

Based on teeth marks left on bones and the large amounts of fragments left behind, it is believed the crocodyliforms were also diminutive in size, perhaps no more than 2 meters long. A larger species of crocodyliform would have been more likely to gulp down its prey without leaving behind traces of "busted up" bone fragments.Until now, paleontologists had direct evidence only of "very large crocodyliforms" interacting with "very large dinosaurs."

"It's not often that you get events from the fossil record that are action-related," Boyd explained. "While you generally assume there was probably a lot more interaction going on, we didn't have any of that preserved in the fossil record yet. This is the first time that we have definitive evidence that you had this kind of partitioning, of your smaller crocodyliforms attacking the smaller herbivorous dinosaurs," he said, adding that this is only the second published instance of a crocodyliform tooth embedded in any prey animal in the fossil record.

"A lot of times you find material in close association or you can find some feeding marks or traces on the outside of the bone and you can hypothesize that maybe it was a certain animal doing this, but this was only the second time we have really good definitive evidence of a crocodyliform feeding on a prey animal and in this case an ornithischian dinosaur," Boyd said.The high concentrations of tiny dinosaur bones led researchers to conclude a type of selection occurred, that crocodyliforms were preferentially feeding on these miniature dinosaurs. "Maybe it was closer to a nesting ground where baby dinosaurs would have been more abundant, and so the smaller crocodyliforms were hanging out there getting a lunch," Boyd added.

"When we started looking at all the other bones, we starting finding marks that are known to be diagnostic for crocodyliform feeding traces, so all that evidence coming together suddenly started to make sense as to why we were not finding good complete specimens of these little ornithischian dinosaurs," Boyd explained. "Most of the bites marks are concentrated around the joints, which is where the crocodyliform would tend to bite, and then, when they do their pulling or the death roll that they tend to do, the ends of the bones tend to snap off more often than not in those actions. That's why we were finding these fragmentary bones."

3) Zeroing in On Heart Disease: Innovative Strategy Pinpoints Genes Underlying Cardiovascular Disease Risk:

 Zeroing in On Heart Disease: Innovative Strategy Pinpoints Genes Underlying Cardiovascular Disease Risk

Studies screening the genome of hundreds of thousands of individuals (known as Genome-wide association studies or GWAS) have linked more than 100 regions in the genome to the risk of developing cardiovascular disease. Researchers from the European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL) and the University of Heidelberg, through the joint Molecular Medicine Partnership Unit (MMPU), are taking these results one step further by pinpointing the exact genes that could have a role in the onset of the disease.

Their findings are published today in the online journal PLoS Genetics.

The scientists used a technology called "RNA interference" that can selectively decrease the level of expression of targeted genes. By observing what changes, if any, this decrease causes in cells, researchers can identify the function of the genes and, on a larger scale, objectively test the function of many genes in parallel.

Cholesterol levels in the blood are one of the main risk factors for cardiovascular disease. They are controlled by the amount of cholesterol that cells can take in -- thus removing it from the blood -- and metabolise. The researchers used RNA interference to test the function of each of the genes within 56 regions previously identified by GWAS as being linked with cardiovascular disease. They selectively decreased their action and measured what, if any, changes this induced in cholesterol metabolism. From this they could deduce which of the genes are most likely to be involved in the onset of the disease.

"This is the first wide-scale RNA interference study that follows up on GWAS. It has proven its potential by narrowing down a large list of candidate genes to the few with an important function that we can now focus on in future in-depth studies," explains Rainer Pepperkok at EMBL, who co-led the study with Heiko Runz at the University of Heidelberg.

"In principle, our approach can be applied to any disease that has an observable effect on cells," adds Heiko Runz. "The genes identified here may further our understanding of the mechanisms leading to cardiovascular disease and allow us to improve its prediction and diagnosis."

4) New Marine Species Discovered in Pacific Ocean:

New Marine Species Discovered in Pacific Ocean:

When Jim Thomas and his global team of researchers returned to the Madang Lagoon in Papua New Guinea, they discovered a treasure trove of new species unknown to science.This is especially relevant as the research team consisted of scientists who had conducted a previous survey in the 1990s.

"In the Madang Lagoon, we went a half mile out off the leading edge of the active Australian Plate and were in 6,000 meters of water," said Thomas, Ph.D., a researcher at Nova Southeastern University's National Coral Reef Institute in Hollywood, Fla. "It was once believed there were no reefs on the north coast of Papua New Guinea since there were no shallow bays and lagoons typical of most coral reef environments. But there was lots of biodiversity to be found."

Thomas and his team discovered new species of sea slugs (nudibranchs), feather stars (crinoids) and amphipods (genus Leucothoe). There was more variety of these indicator species found than there is in the entire length of Australia's 1,600-mile Great Barrier Reef.

"This was an astonishing discovery," Thomas said. "We returned to our labs and began to formally assess our collections. We had no idea this lagoon's bounty was so profound."

The international team Thomas led included researchers from and the Scripps Institute of Oceanography in San Diego, the California Academy of Sciences and the National Botanical Gardens of Ireland. Their 3-week expedition ended late last year. While in Madang, they joined a large French contingent of scientists from the Paris Museum of Natural History.

The NSU-led research team's findings will be shared with the local villagers, as well as regional and federal governments. It will also be published in peer-reviewed journals.The Madang Lagoon faces many environmental threats by land-based pollution from a recently opened tuna cannery whose outfall is very close to the lagoon's reefs."Hopefully, our discoveries will strongly encourage governing bodies to recognize the environmental importance of the lagoon and work to stop the pollution," Thomas said.

5) Brain Pathway Triggering Impulsive Eating Identified:

 Brain Pathway Triggering Impulsive Eating Identified:

New research from the University of Georgia has identified the neural pathways in an insect brain tied to eating for pleasure, a discovery that sheds light on mirror impulsive eating pathways in the human brain.

"We know when insects are hungry, they eat more, become aggressive and are willing to do more work to get the food," said Ping Shen, a UGA associate professor of cellular biology in the Franklin College of Arts and Sciences. "Little is known about the other half-the reward-driven feeding behavior-when the animal is not so hungry but they still get excited about food when they smell something great.The fact that a relatively lower animal, a fly larva, actually does this impulsive feeding based on a rewarding cue was a surprise."

The research team led by Shen, who also is a member of the Biomedical and Health Sciences Institute, found that presenting fed fruit fly larvae with appetizing odors caused impulsive feeding of sugar-rich foods. The findings, published Feb. 28 in Cell Press, suggest eating for pleasure is an ancient behavior and that fly larvae can be used in studying neurobiology and the evolution of olfactory reward-driven impulses.To test reward-driven behaviors in flies, Shen introduced appetizing odors to groups of well-fed larvae. In every case, the fed larvae consumed about 30 percent more food when surrounded by the attractive odors.

But when the insects were offered a substandard meal, they refused to eat it."They have expectations," he said. "If we reduce the concentration of sugar below a threshold, they do not respond anymore. Similar to what you see in humans, if you approach a beautiful piece of cake and you taste it and determine it is old and horrible, you are no longer interested."Shen's team also tried to further define this phenomenon-the connection between excitement and expectation. He found when the larvae were presented with a brief odor, the amount of time they were willing to act on the impulse was about 15 minutes."After 15 minutes, they revert back to normal. You get excited, but you can't stay excited forever, so there is a mechanism to shut it down," he said.His work also suggests the neuropeptides, or brain chemicals acting as signaling molecules triggering impulsive eating, are consistent between flies and humans. Neurons receive and convert stimuli into thoughts that are then relayed to the downstream mechanism telling the animals to act. These signaling molecules are required for this impulse, suggesting the molecular details of these functions are evolutionarily tied between flies and humans.

"There are hyper-rewarding cues that humans and flies have evolved to perceive, and they connect this perception with behavior performance," Shen said. "As long as this is activated, the animal will eat food. In this way, the brain is stupid: It does not know how it gets activated. In this case, the fly says 'I smell something, I want to do this.' This kind of connection has been established very early on, probably before the divergence of fly and human. That is why we both have it."

Impulsive and reward-driven behaviors are largely misunderstood, partially due to the complex systems at work in human brains. Fly larvae nervous systems, in terms of scheme and organization, are very similar to adult flies and to mammals, but with fewer neurons and less complex wirings."A particular function in the brain of mammals may require a large cluster of neurons," he said. "In flies, it may be only one or four. They are simpler in number but not principle."

In the fly model, four neurons are responsible for relaying signals from the olfactory center to the brain to stimulate action. Each odor and receptor translates the response slightly differently. Human triggers are obviously more diverse, but Shen thinks the mechanism to appreciate the combination is likely the same. He is now working with Tianming Liu, assistant professor of computer science at UGA and member of the Bioimaging Research Center and Institute of Bioinformatics, on a computer model to determine how these odors are interpreted as stimuli."Dieting is difficult, especially in the environment of these beautiful foods," Shen said. "It is very hard to control this impulsive urge. So, if we understand how this compulsive eating behavior comes about, we maybe can devise a way, at least for the behavioral aspect, to prevent it. We can modulate our behaviors better or use chemical interventions to calm down these cues."

Movie Release This Week:


"Jack the Giant Slayer" tells the story of an ancient war that is reignited when a young farmhand unwittingly opens a gateway between our world and a fearsome race of giants. Unleashed on the Earth for the first time in centuries, the giants strive to reclaim the land they once lost, forcing the young man, Jack (Nicholas Hoult) into the battle of his life to stop them. Fighting for a kingdom, its people, and the love of a brave princess, he comes face to face with the unstoppable warriors he thought only existed in legend—and gets the chance to become a legend himself.

Starring Antonio Banderas (Desperado), Mark Strong (Zero Dark Thirty), Freida Pinto (Slumdog Millionaire) and Tahar Rahim (The Eagle), Day of the Falcon is a soaring epic of honor, greed, betrayal and love from award-winning director Jean-Jacques Annaud (Enemy at the Gates). After years of bloody conflict, the leaders of two rival kingdoms reluctantly agree to end the fighting. But when oil is discovered between their territories, the war is re-ignited. Now it is up to their children - young lovers who have married in hopes of bringing the families together - to find a way to end the violence and bring peace to the land.

I Me Aur Main is an upcoming Hindi film starring John Abraham who plays the role of Ishaan- a charismatic, good-looking music producer from Mumbai. He lives a sheltered existence, is the centre of his life, the apple of his mother's (Zarina Wahib) eye, always protected by his elder sister Shivani (Mini Mathur) and stays at his girlfriend Anushka's (Chitrangda Singh's) house. He takes them all for granted!

One day his life falls apart like a house of cards. At this point, his new neighbour Gauri (Prachi Desai) comes into his life and from her he learns the importance of relationships. He starts taking initiatives towards mending and maintaining his past relationships.

Ishaan begins to truly fall in love with Gauri. There comes a point when he has to make a choice between his love that made him a better person or being a better person by taking responsibility of the actions he has done in the past.

Ed Harris plays the captain of a Cold War Soviet missile submarine who has recently been suffering from seizures that alter his perception of reality. Forced to leave his wife and daughter, he is rushed into a classified mission, where he is haunted by his past and challenged by a rogue KGB group (led by David Duchovny) bent on seizing control of the ship’s nuclear missile. With the fate of humanity in his hands, Harris discovers he has been chosen for this mission in the belief he would fail. PHANTOM is a suspense submarine thriller about extraordinary men facing impossible choices.

What if the most chilling novel of all time was actually based on a true account of a horrific experiment gone awry? When he is suspended from his university job for his outlandish ideas, Professor John Venkenheim leads a documentary film crew to the rim of the Arctic Circle in a desperate effort to vindicate his academic reputation. The object of his ridicule? His obscure theory that Shelley's literary classic is, in fact, a work of non-fiction disguised as fantasy. In the vast, frozen wilderness, Venkenheim and his team search for the legendary monster, a creature nearly three hundred years old and still cloaked in mystery. What they find is an unspeakable truth more terrifying than any fiction.

The  Oscar Award For Mainly English Movies  was announced today with lots of Glamour Quotient  and Red Carpet Celebration.  George Cloony , Anne Hathaway , Jennifer Garner , Jamie Foxx, Halle Berry , Adele Adkins, Daniel Day Lewis , Kristen Stewart grace the Red Carpet Celebration of Oscar 2013. Heavenly Beauties of Hollywood Movie Industry make the occassion as a show of the Century.

Host, Seth Macfarlane beautifully organise the Oscar Award Ceremony with His Perfect sense of Wit and Comedy. Much Acclaimed and Publisized Movie named Lincoln By renowned Director Steven Spielberg only  grab only two Oscars for  Best Actor and Best Production Design on the Other hand Inspirational Movie  Like Life of Pi grab Four Oscars In Main Categories Like Best Director, Best Visual Effect, Best Cinematography and Original Score.

Jaenifer Garner and Ben Afflec On oscar 2013 Red Carpet

Surprisingly Argo Grab the Best Movie Oscar  Over other Eight Equally Beautiful Movies. Oscar Ceremony 2013 Will Be remembered Always because The First Lady
Michelle Obama  announced the Oscar  Award for the Best Movie Argo Directly from White House With great actor Jack Nicholson. Two Beautiful Lady From Hollywood Jennifer Lawrence and Anne Hathaway  grab the Oscar For Best Actress (Silver Linings Playbook movie)and Best Supporting Actress(Les Miserables) respectively. Oscar For Best Actor in a supporting role was  Christoph Waltz from movie  Django Unchained was announced first. Brave was the Best Animated Feature Film in Oscar. Best Director Ang Lee and His Movie Life of Pi steal the Oscar Show 2013 with his immense talent  and Simplicity.  Intellectual , Philosophical approach toward Nature, Religion and Interconnecting web of relation among the creatures of Earth Is the main subject in the Movie Life of Pi.

Political News This Week:

Political News

1)  Income Tax

No over all changes in Income tax Slab. There are very Few Changes in Income tax Structure which are given Below:

a) Income Upto 2 lacs : No Tax

b) Income more than  2 to 5  Lacs : Tax slab 10% ( Rs 2000 Tax Rebate from total tax payable)

c) Income more than 5 to 10 Lac : Tax slab 20%

d) More than 10 Lacs : Tax slab 30%

e) Super Rich group whose annual Income one Crore have to give additional 10 % surcharge.

2) Agriculture  Sector:

More than 58% of the population in India rely on farm for livelihood

1) the total plan outlay for agriculture has been increased by 22 per cent from Rs Rs 20,208 crore to 27,049 crore.

2) 1000 crore rupees alloted for Green Revolution in India . Like Increase fertility in the agriculture field, Increase food production by inclusion of Modern  Agriculture Technique.

3) 3458 Crore alloted for Agricultural research and Development.

4) 7 Lacs crore alloted for agriculture loan.

5) The Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana is intended to mobilise higher investment in agriculture and the National Food Security Mission is intended to bridge yield gaps.In Budget 2013 it was proposed to provide Rs 9,954 crore and Rs 2,250 crore, respectively, for these two programmes,”

6) Allocation for the integrated watershed programme from Rs 3,050 crore in 2012-13 to Rs 5,387 crore.

7) “A pilot scheme to replant and rejuvenate coconut gardens that was implemented in some districts of Kerala and the Andaman and Nicobar Islands will be extended to the entire state of Kerala, and I propose to provide an additional sum of Rs 75 crore in 2013-14,”

Rural Development:

5) 80,194 crore alloted for Rural Development Mantralaya for development of road ,irrigation, farming etc for rural areas.

MGNREGS (Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme) will get Rs 33,000 crore, PMGSY (Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana) will get Rs 21,700 crore, and IAY (Indira Awaas Yojana) will get Rs 15,184 crore. Allocation of  Rs 15,260 crore to the Ministry of Drinking Water and Sanitation.

Allocation of Rs 1,400 crore was also made to set up water purification plants in the arsenic and fluoride-affected rural habitations.

Industry Sector:

Products More Costlier:

1) Price increase in Silver.

2) Television viewing is going to get expensive; only because the finance minister has posed a duty hike on set top box negative for DTH players.

3) Sports Utility Vehicle : Excise duty on these vehicles has been increased to 30 percent from 27 percent earlier. However, SUVs registered as taxis have been spared.

4) Mobile Phones  Price increased  whose MRP more than Rs 2000/- .

5) Cigarette :  The finance minister has raised specific excise duty on cigarettes and cigars raised by 18 percent.

6) Air Conditioned restaurants : levying service tax on all air conditioned restaurants

7) Luxury Vehicles: Raised Import duty on luxury cars from 75 percent to 100 percent.

Products More Cheaper:

1) Readymade Garments : Exice Duty on readymade garments exempted positive for textile sector

2) Leather Footware : The finance minister has lower customs duty on leather and footwear that will make leather shoes and belts cheaper.

3) Gems and Jewellery : deciding to spare further import duty on gold, and actually introducing taxes on gems and jewellery, the commodity will surely be more pocket-friendly.

4) One Lac rupees worth gold can be imported by a single women and Fifty Tousand rupees worth gold can be imported by a single men from foreign countries

5) Hand Made Carpets, Marbles etc.

1) No strong steps  have been taken to recover Black Money From Foreign swiss Banks and other banks.

2) No steps have been taken to save public money from the uncertain and Volatile equity market.

3) No proper security measure have been taken before large scale privatization in Insurance and Banking  Sector.

4) No practical Measure have been taken to reduce Price hike of   necessary commodities   like Food, oil, medicine.

5) Government delibarately wanting that All Public Money should be invested into Uncertain and Volatile Equity Share markets and mutual funds to Make Richer More Rich and Poor People get more poorer.  Saving Fixed Deposit Intererst in Banks and Post office are continually low but these investment  are most safest mode of Public Saving.

6) No Strict measure have been taken to secure our Natural Resources and Minerals like Coal, Oil , Iron ,Natural Gases etc from Money Mongering Private Sectors  which causing artifitial Price Increasing around the Indian Market.

So ultimately this Union Budget is Bad, Baseless and with lots of faults.

2) UPA has put heavy economic burden on people, says BJP:

UPA has put heavy economic burden on people, says BJP:

ccusing the UPA government of putting the common man under unprecedented economic burden and and failing to tackle price rise, the BJP Saturday demanded a rollback of hike in prices of petroleum products and steps to bring down fertilizer prices.It warned of a nation-wide agitation if its demands were not met.
In the economic resolution moved at its national council meeting here, the party attacked Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, saying the "the country has to suffer the ignominy of experiencing economic downslide under leadership of an economist prime minister".

It said every economic parameter had steadily declined under the United Progressive Alliance (UPA) government led by Manmohan Singh.
The resolution said UPA government had inherited a robust 8.25 percent growth rate from National Democratic Alliance government in 2004 but it had now declined to around five percent."Instead of working towards a 10 percent growth rate with five percent inflation, in its nine years, the UPA has achieved the exact opposite - a 10 percent inflation rate and five percent growth rate. ..The mess of economic mismanagement under the Congress-led UPA government has taken the country many decades backward," the resolution said.It said that instead of seeking efficiency in revenue generation, the UPA has solely depended on raising taxes and prices which is burdening the common man.The BJP accused the UPA government of being synonymous with corruption and said it was a factor for price rise.
"Corruption is also an important trigger for inflation, a dampner for honest investment and a reason for growing fiscal deficit," it said.The UPA government was also charged with offering "jobless growth" and policies that were against interest of farmers.

The BJP demanded adoption of Swaminathan Committee formula for remunerative prices, minimum income guarantee scheme for farmers and waiver of loans of farmers."The BJP demands roll back of all hikes in administered prices of petrol, diesel and capping of gas cylinders and bringing down prices of all essential commodities by necessary policy revamp," the resolution said, also demanding immediate steps to bring down fertilizer prices.

3) NE Election Results 2013: CPI-M, NPF, Congress win big in Tripura, Nagaland, Meghalaya :

NE Election Results 2013: CPI-M, NPF, Congress win big in Tripura, Nagaland, Meghalaya :

Counting of votes began in the Northeastern states of Meghalaya, Tripura and Nagaland amidst unprecedented security on Thursday. The Assembly elections in the three states, having 60 seats each, were held February 14 and February 23.


Chief Minister Manik Sarkar, 64, who has ruled Tripura since 1998, 

Tripura's ruling Left Front stormed back to power in Tripura for the fifth straight term, delivering a humiliating blow to the Congress. The Left Front led by the Communist Party of India-Marxist (CPI-M) also increased its vote share compared to 2008, election officials said. The Congress and its allies, the Indigenous Nationalist Party of Tripura (INPT) and the Nationalist Conference of Tripura were crushed, for the fifth consecutive time since 1993. The CPI-M on its own won 49 seats out of the total 60 seats.

The Communist Party of India (CPI) won one seat. However, the CPI suffered humiliation on one seat. The Left Front won 50 seats overall. The Congress could managed to get only 10 seats. Chief Minister Manik Sarkar, 64, who has ruled Tripura since 1998, won from Dhanpur by a margin of around 5,000 votes. It was Sarkar's sixth win. Finance Minister Badal Chowdhury posted the highest winning margin of 12,450 votes. Commerce Minister Jitendra Chowdhury, School Education Minister Tapan Chakraborty, Information Minister Anil Sarkar, Tribal Welfare Minister Aghore Debbarma and all cabinet colleagues retained their seats by huge margins.

Teacher-turned-politician Anil Sarkar, 75, who is also a poet and writer, was re-elected on CPI-M ticket from Pratapgarh in western Tripura for a record ninth time.
Congress leader Ratan Lal Nath was also re-elected from Mohanpur while state Congress president Sudip Roy Barman retained his Agartala seat -- for the fourth time. Former Tripura Assembly speaker Jitendra Sarkar, who this time contested on Congress ticket, wrested Barjala seat from the CPI-M. Sarkar won by 254 votes defeating Jitendra Das. In a significant development, CPI-M's Ratan Das wrested Ramnagar after a gap of 25 years. He defeated former state Congress chief and ex-minister Surajit Datta by just 15 votes.

"This is a great victory for the Left Front and shows its popularity and public support. Good governance is one of the key factors for the thumping victory," gloated CPI-M spokesperson Gautam Das. "People voted for the Left to establish peace and development in all sectors," Das said. Tripura made electoral history when a record 93.57 percent of the 2.3 million voters exercised their franchise Feb 14 to pick a 60-seat assembly. There were 249 candidates in the fray.

The Left Front has ruled Tripura since 1978 barring one term (1988-93). In 2008, the Left registered a thumping victory. The CPI-M alone won 46 seats and partners CPI and RSP secured one and two seats respectively. The Congress bagged 10 seats and the INPT one.


The Indian National Congress here has won 29 seats in the election to the 60-member Meghalaya Assembly with Chief Minister Mukul Sangma, his wife DD Shira and his brother Zenith Sangma winning with huge margins. Lone woman legislator Ampareen Lyngdoh retained her urban 16 East Shillong seat edging out her nearest rival and former deputy chief minister B M Lanong of the UDP by over 4000 votes. Cabinet Ministers HDR Lyngdoh and Prestone Tynsong retained their Sohiong and Pynursla seats respectively.

Lyngdoh won by a margin of over 3000 votes over his lone rival and UDP candidate B Kharphuli while Tynsong is leading over his nearest rival and UDP candidate B Khongwar by almost 2000 votes. The PA Sangma led National Peoples Party won two seats.

The UDP, which had an alliance with the Congress in the outgoing Assembly, has won 8 seats while others clinched 21 seats. The NCP managed to win 2 seats only. Carved out of Assam in 1972, Meghalaya has seen 23 chief ministers in a span of 41 years. Captain Williamson Sangma, who led the government for the first time, was the only one to ever lead a single-party government in the state. Since then, Meghalaya has seen fractured mandates, leading to volatile coalition governments. The Congress fielded candidates in all 60 constituencies while the United Democratic Party (UDP) contested 50 seats.

Ruling Naga Peoples Front combine returned to power with an absolute majority in Nagaland

Ruling Naga Peoples Front combine returned to power with an absolute majority in Nagaland winning 39 seats in the 60-member Assembly. After an impressive show, the ruling NPF-led Democratic Alliance of Nagaland (DAN) alliance will form government for a third consecutive term. Congress managed to win eight seats. The NCP has won four seats. Independent and others have won 10 seats.

Nagaland Chief Minister Neiphiu Rio won from Northern Angami II seat by defeating his nearest Congress rival Kevise Sogotsu of Congress by 12,671 votes. Nagaland Congress PCC President SI Jamir also tasted success from Dimapur II seat by defeating his nearest Independent rival Savi Liegise by 1,615 votes.

Among other prominent candidates who won are - NCP candidate A Imtilemba Sangtam who defeated Congress rival Thrinimong in Longkhim Chare by 1459 votes. NPF EE Pangteang defeated Congress candidate Longang by 5281 votes in Moka constituency. NPF candidate P Longon defeated Congress candidate H Haiying by 3305 votes in Noklak seat. NPF candidate CM Chang defeated NCP candidate Lima Onen Chang by 1092 votes from Noksen seat. NPF candidate R Tohanba defeated JD(U) candidate K Yimso Yimchunger by 2914 votes. NPF candidate Vikho O Yhoshu defeated Congress candidate Nagakul by 4492 votes.

NPF candidate Kropol Vitsu defeated Congress rival KV Pusa by 5451 votes. NPF candidate CL John defeated Congress rival W Wangyuh by 7891 votes. NCP candidate L Khumo Khiamniungan defeated NPF candidate S Heno by 1307 votes. BJP candidate P Paiwang Konyak defeated NPF candidate Aloh by 3076 votes.
The NPF had a pre-poll alliance with the BJP and JD-U and the strength of DAN in the outgoing assembly was 35. In the 2008 polls, the NPF won 26 seats on its own while the Congress won 23. A total of 2,600 electronic voting machines were used to conduct the polls in 2,023 polling stations. Re-polling was held at nine polling stations.

4) West Bengal: Congress retains Rejinagar seat, loses Nalhati:

Krishnendu Choudhury

The Congress, Trinamool Congress and Left Front shared the results for the by-poll to three Assembly constituencies in West Bengal with each winning one seat.

Congress took a sweet revenge by defeating its former MLA Humayan Kabir, who is now a TMC minister in the state Government, from Rejinagar seat in Murshidabad district.The election results served a blow to the TMC which stood third in Nalhati in Birbhum district and Rejinagar in Murshidabad district, both of which the ruling party has expected to win.Congress candidate Rabiul Alam Choudhury won from Rejinagar constituency against his nearest rival Left Front candidate Sirajul Islam Mandal by a margin of 11,722 votes.

Left Front candidate Dipak Chatterjee won from Nalhati in Birbhum district over Congress’ Abdur Rahman by a margin of 7,742 votes.TMC’s Biplab Ojha also stood third in the Nalhati Assembly by poll.The saving grace for Trinamool Congress was, however, its win from English Bazar in Malda district when its minister Krishnendu Narayan Choudhury won by a margin of 20,452 votes over Kaushik Mishra of the Left front.During the 2011 Assembly elections, Congress had won all the three seats when it had an alliance with the TMC.

Humayun Kabir

But after Congres and Trinamool parted ways over FDI in retail, both the parties decided to fight polls separately.The Nalhati Assembly seat fell vacant after its MLA Abhijit Mukherjee, son of President Pranab Mukherjee, quit his seat to fight the Lok Sabha by-election from Jangipur.Elections to English Bazar and Rejinagar seats were necessitated by resignation of Congress MLAs Krishnendu Choudhury and Humayun Kabir following their switch-over to the TMC.

5) Rail Budget 2013: Pawan Bansal’s railway budget makes a break from populism:

Pavan Bansal :Rail Budget 2013: Pawan Bansal’s railway budget makes a break from populism 

The rail budget gets its overall strategy right, aims to make the organisation solvent and to kick-start stalled investment in the economy. It allows freight rates to move with fuel costs. This is welcome. What is not is the decision not to do likewise with passenger fares, due to political compulsions. The practice of freight rates cross-subsiding passenger fares should end. Bansal correctly says the Railways must run on sound economic principles, but has not gone the whole hog on reforms. Underpricing of services creates artificial shortages. People would much rather pay the full commercial value for transport services including train seats. A tariff authority for automatic freight and fare adjustments is welcome, provided the government does not dither on the proposal. A slowing economy has lowered passenger and freight revenues, this fiscal year. However, the Railways' operating ratio — the share of gross traffic revenues that goes to meet ordinary working expenses and provisions for pensions and depreciation — has dropped to 88.8% in 2012-13 compared to 94.9% in 2011-12 due to a tight leash on spending. This is commendable. The Railways expects to lower the operating ratio further to 87.8% in the coming fiscal year, through a 9% growth in freight revenues and a modest 5% increase in revenue from passenger fares. The Railways' performance will hinge on how well the economy grows.

Plan funds will be used to step up investment in the dedicated freight corridors, boosting the economy. More funds invested in automatic signalling, track renewal, electrification and new rolling stock will enhance safety and amenities. This would increase track utilisation, expand capacity and make operations more efficient. Better linkages to coal mines will enable faster coal movement to power plants and boost railway revenues. Involving the private sector in a big way to augment investment and step up freight volume and revenue is also welcome. So is the move to use its land bank for public-private partnership projects. The Railways has also identified 347 projects for priority funding and completion. The unfinished agenda is to market railway reforms better.

Sports News This Week:

Sports News

1) India secure dominant eight-wicket win over Australia:

 India secure dominant eight-wicket win over Australia:

First Test, Chennai (day five, close): India (572 & 50-2) beat Australia (380 & 241) by eight wickets :-

India needed a little less than a session to wrap up an eight-wicket victory over Australia on the fifth morning in Chennai.Australia debutant Moises Henriques was left stranded on 81 as his side were bowled out for 241 this morning, leaving India chasing just 50 to win the first Test.That simply was not enough to cause any jitters for India, even when the wickets of Murali Vijay and Virender Sehwag fell to Nathan Lyon, and there was time for Sachin Tendulkar to delight the home crowd with maximums off his first two deliveries.

Vijay perished for six - all of which came via a straight, flat six down the ground off Lyon - as he picked out Henriques at short mid-off when he mistimed a drive off James Pattinson.Sehwag followed in unusually tame fashion, edging to Michael Clarke at first slip as he defended the spinner.

Few in the Chennai crowd were disappointed, though, as that brought Tendulkar to the crease - and he gave them what they wanted by heaving his first two balls off Lyon for six.He could not make it a hat-trick to win the game, but an edge for a single from Cheteshwar Pujara did the job just as well.Earlier, Lyon could not help Henriques reach a debut century as Australia could only add nine to their overnight score.Lyon's stout defence helped to repel the Indian bowlers for around 20 minutes this morning before he was finally caught by Vijay at short-leg off Ravindra Jadeja.The second of four Tests begins on Saturday in Hyderabad.

Australia captain Michael Clarke admitted his team had been "outplayed"after the defeat."Full credit has to go to India," Clarke said. "They played outstandingly, especially Dhoni. That innings changed the game completely. And Ashwin's bowling."Moises' debut is a positive, but we have got to turn things around. Work hard in the nets and get ready for the next Test match. The pitch looked a lot worse than it played."Second innings, it played tougher, but that's what you expect in the subcontinent. No excuses, we got outplayed."


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