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Thursday 1 February 2024




Evolution Hardcover :by Dr Alice Roberts (Author)


Travel back in time almost eight million years to explore the roots of the human family tree.

Written and authenticated by a team of experts and with a foreword by Professor Alice Roberts, Evolution brings us face to face with our ancestors. Interweaving latest discoveries, maps, and incredible illustrations, it tells the story of our origins and helps us better understand our species, from tree-dwelling primates to modern humans.

Renowned Dutch paleoartists the Kennis brothers bring our ancestors to life with their beautiful, accurate reconstructions that visually trace each step in our evolutionary history. Combined with clear prose, this comprehensive yet accessible book provides a rich history of each stage of human evolution, from human anatomy and behaviour to the environment we live in.

Travel back 8 million years with Evolution The Human Story and go on a fascinating journey to discover how our species has developed from tree-dwelling primates to modern humans.

This is the first time that the story of evolution has been documented in such amazing visual detail thanks to the work of the renowned Dutch paleoartists, Kennis and Kennis. Staggeringly realistic CGI and model reconstructions from original fossils bring us face to face with our distant ancestors portraying them as never before. Plus, Dr Alice Roberts shares her extensive knowledge helping answer all the big questions and more.

Evolution: The Human Story is packed with all the latest discoveries and profiles every human ancestor to date from Ardipithecus ramidus to Homo neanderthalensis. An essential read for anyone fascinated in finding out where we come from.

Alice Roberts:


Alice May Roberts FRSB (born 19 May 1973)is an English academic, TV presenter and author. Since 2012 she has been Professor of Public Engagement in Science at the University of Birmingham. She was president of the charity Humanists UK between January 2019 and May 2022. She is now a vice president of the organisation

Early life and education

Roberts was born in Bristol in 1973, the daughter of an aeronautical engineer and an English and arts teacher. She grew up in the Bristol suburb of Westbury-on-Trym where she attended The Red Maids' School. In December 1988, she won the BBC1 Blue Peter Young Artists competition, appearing with her picture and the presenters on the front cover of the 10 December 1988 edition of the Radio Times.

Roberts studied medicine at the University of Wales College of Medicine (now part of Cardiff University) and graduated in 1997 with a Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery (MB BCh) degree, having gained an intercalated Bachelor of Science degree in Anatomy.

Artificial Intelligence: An Illustrated History: by Clifford A. Pickover (Author)


From medieval robots and Boolean algebra to facial recognition, artificial neural networks, and adversarial patches, this fascinating history takes readers on a vast tour through the world of artificial intelligence. Award-winning author Clifford A. Pickover (The Math Book, The Physics Book, Death & the Afterlife) explores the historic and current applications of AI in such diverse fields as computing, medicine, popular culture, mythology, and philosophy, and considers the enduring threat to humanity should AI grow out of control. Across 100 illustrated entries, Pickover provides an entertaining and informative look into when artificial intelligence began, how it developed, where it’s going, and what it means for the future of human-machine interaction.

Clifford A. Pickover:

Clifford A. Pickover received his Ph.D. from Yale University and is the author of over 30 books on such topics as computers and creativity, art, mathematics, black holes, religion, human behavior and intelligence, time travel, alien life, and science fiction.

Pickover is a prolific inventor with dozens of patents, is the associate editor for several journals, the author of colorful puzzle calendars, and puzzle contributor to magazines geared to children and adults.

WIRED magazine writes, "Bucky Fuller thought big, Arthur C. Clarke thinks big, but Cliff Pickover outdoes them both." According to The Los Angeles Times, "Pickover has published nearly a book a year in which he stretches the limits of computers, art and thought."

The Christian Science Monitor writes, "Pickover inspires a new generation of da Vincis to build unknown flying machines and create new Mona Lisas." Pickover's computer graphics have been featured on the cover of many popular magazines and on TV shows. His web site, Pickover.Com, has received millions of visits. His Blog RealityCarnival.Com is one of his most popular sites.

AI for You: The New Game Changer:by Shalini Kapoor (Author), Sameep Mehta (Author)


Artificial Intelligence is all around us. It is set to transform the way we run businesses. Yet people fear it and businesses struggle to derive maximum value from it. Learning from the best practices of industry leaders, AI For You brings together frameworks and tools for infusing AI in business processes. The book demystifies AI, simplifies the complexities around AI technologies and describes how to take AI from lab to field while satisfying the concerns of different stakeholders.

A must-read for builders, consumers, sponsors and sellers of AI, AI For You lays down the building blocks for the AI revolution while attempting to close the gap between the promise of AI and its actual impact.

Shalini Kapoor is a technologist, innovator and thought leader. Her path breaking technological solutions have launched global businesses and she now focuses on tech for impact to the billions. A well-known voice at industry forums, she has 15 patents, several women in STEM awards and was honoured as the first IBM Fellow in India

Sameep Mehta is a leader in the area of AI with 50+ patents and 80+ publications. He finished his Ph.D. from The Ohio State University in 2006. This book is the outcome of his vast experience in incubating AI research agenda, performing research and making the technology available to customers.



মাটির রং এবং মানুষের ভাষার সঙ্গে তালে তাল মিলিয়ে বদলে যায় কল্পবিজ্ঞান ও ফ্যান্টাসির গল্পসোহম বয়সে তরুণ হলেও তাঁর দেখার চোখ অনেক পরিণততাই অবলীলায় সে এই বদলে যাওয়া ভাষাটা ধরে ফেলে ‘আমাদের’ গল্প বলতে পারে অনায়াসেএ কারণেই তাঁকে বোধহয় অন্য কোনও দেশের থেকে ভাষা বা ভঙ্গিমা ধার করতে হয় না নিজের চরিত্রদের ফুটিয়ে তুলতেসেই আশ্চর্য রকমের পরিচিত ভাষ্যে সুলেখক সোহম গুহ’র অনবদ্য বড় গল্পের সংকলন প্রকাশ পেয়েছে কল্পবিশ্বের হাত ধরে

Soham Guha:

The universe is made of quarks and speculative dreams. As a part of this universe, Soham Guha (সোহম গুহ) finds himself often in his suburban home near Kolkata (India).

He writes in his mother tongue, Bengali, and English as well. His works were published in,, Mohs 5.5: Megastructure Anthology, Mithila Review, Meteotopia: Futures of Climate (In)justice, and The Gollancz Anthology of South Asian Science Fiction and Fantasy Vol II.

His collection of Bengali speculative fiction can be found in Archimedes and Other Stories (2022, Kalpabiswa Publications).

The heritage of SF in Bengal, both east and West, is rich, distinct, yet somewhat underrepresented to the global audience. Looking at the current status, the development may appear fragmented, even halted. The reason can be traced to the mainstream vernacular magazines, the respective publishing houses, and their treatment of SF entirely as MG fiction. Magazines play a crucial role in the emergence of genre fiction, as they are the first and foremost platforms for any aspiring and experimenting pen. However, looking at the SFs printed in these magazines, if someone compares them with the global standard, one might find the majority of the stories to be inadequate antiquities. Considering the lack of SF special issues, the reluctance to experimentation, the predominant absence of adult themes in the printed SFs, the prevalent atmosphere can be said to be stagnant. This is a stark divergence from the paths paved by SF-only magazines like Ashchorjo, Bismoy, and Fantastic. All three magazines were either edited or influenced by Adrish Bardhan.

Battala  BY Sripantha:


Sripantha:Nikhil Sarkar:

একই সঙ্গে ইতিহাস আর সাংবাদিকতার জগতে ডুবে থাকতেন বলেই কি তাঁর দৃষ্টি একাধারে সহজ এবং সমৃদ্ধ হতে পেরেছিল? এর উত্তর অবশ্য এখানে নেইউত্তর সহজও নয়কিন্তু অন্যতম শ্রেষ্ঠ লেখাটির রচয়িতা গৌতম ভদ্র যখন বলেন, ‘একাধারে [শ্রীপান্থ] গাল্পিক এবং চাক্ষিক: ইতিহাস পড়তে, দেখতে, চাখতে ও দেখাতে তিনি ভালবাসতেন, ইতিহাসের খাঁজে খাঁজে নানা অভিজ্ঞতায় যে চমৎকৃতি বা অভিনব রসটুকু মাঝে মাঝে জমে থাকে, তাই আস্বাদন করেই তাঁর তৃপ্তি,’ তখন সম্ভবত তাঁর সাংবাদিক সত্তাটির মধ্যে যে বিরাট শক্তি ছিল তার একটা আন্দাজ মিলতে পারে। ‘খাঁজে খাঁজে নানা অভিজ্ঞতার চমৎকৃতি’ খুঁজে যাওয়াটা তো সাংবাদিক সত্তারই একটি বিশেষ ধরনশ্রীপান্থ ওরফে নিখিল সরকার পাঠক ছাড়াও ছিলেন সাংবাদিক, প্রাবন্ধিক, ইতিহাসবিদ এবং সম্পাদকতাঁর এই নানা পরিচয়ের উপর বিভিন্ন দিক থেকে আলো ফেলেছে এই বইকিন্তু কী ভাবে তাঁর এই নানা পরিচয় নিজেদের পরিচিত ও স্বীকৃত গন্ডি ছাড়িয়ে পরস্পরের উপর দিয়ে বয়ে গিয়েছে, পাশাপাশি প্রবাহিত হতে হতে একে অন্যকে পূর্ণতর করেছে, তার হদিশটি প্রত্যক্ষ ভাবে পাওয়া গেল নাএই একটি দুর্বলতা এই সংকলনেরহয়তো সামান্য দুর্বলতা, কিন্তু আক্ষেপ থেকেই যায়নানান ইন্টেলেকটুয়াল প্রবণতা ও ভূমিকার আশ্চর্য সন্নিবেশ ছিল এই মানুষটির মধ্যেআর তাই, তাঁর বহু সত্তার মধ্যে সংযোগের আলোচনাও জরুরি ছিল এই স্মারকগ্রন্থেএমন মানুষ তো সুলভ নন! এমন আলোচনার সুযোগও সহজে মেলার নয়

The Mind Traveller - Warrior of Shaka by Viveck Rai Marwah (Author)

Young Sankalp’s family is brutally murdered by a band of soldiers led by Darqan Doodra, a renegade general feared across the kingdom of Lhasa. He is barely able to escape with his life. Seeking refuge in the mountains surrounding his once idyllic village, he stumbles upon a wondrous cave where he meets Kalimpong, the fabled monk possessed of great powers and learning. Struck by what he senses within Sankalp, the monk takes him as his disciple.Thus begins the young boy’s incredible journey. Guided by Kalimpong, he overcomes his pain and anger and seeks to understand why fate dealt him such a terrible blow.With his mind awakened to a higher perception, he is able to go beyond the limitations of the physical self, to become a ‘mind-traveller’, crossing to a dimension beyond the known laws of the universe. Sankalp the warrior monk must now chart his course to the glorious city of Lhasa, to a court rife with treachery, conspiracy and rumour. Although his chosen path is fraught with danger, Sankalp knows he must fight, both for the sake of his people and for the peace of his soul.

Think AI : by Swapnali Joshi Naik (Author)



"Think AI" is a rapid-learning book that covers a wide range of Artificial Intelligence topics, including Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Computer Vision, and Natural Language Processing. Most popular Python libraries and toolkits are applied to develop intelligent and thoughtful applications.

With a solid grasp of python programming and mathematics, you may use this book's statistical models and AI algorithms to meet AI needs and data insight issues. Each chapter in this book guides you swiftly through the core concepts and then directly to their implementation using Python toolkits. This book covers the techniques and skill sets required for data collection, pre-processing, installing libraries, preparing data models, training and deploying the models, and optimising model performance.

The book guides you through the OpenCV toolkit for real-time picture recognition and detection, allowing you to work with computer vision.

What you will learn

● Work with Jupyter and various Python libraries, including scikit-learn, NLTK, and TF.

● Build and implement ML models and neural networks using TensorFlow and Keras.

● Utilize OpenCV for real-time image processing, face detection, and face recognition.

Who this book is for

Whether you're a student, newbie or an existing AI developer, this book will help you get up to speed with various domains of AI, including ML, Deep Learning and NLP. Knowing the basics of python and understanding mathematics will be beneficial.

Table of Contents

1. Introducing Artificial Intelligence

2. Essentials of Python and Data Analysis

3. Data Preparation and Machine Learning

4. Computer Vision using OpenCV

5. Fundamentals of Neural Networks and Deep Learning

6. Natural Language Processing

swapnali Joshi - IIBM Institute of Business Management - Salem, Oregon, United States


Devas from Vedic Literature

Tribal Folklore of India:

Glimpse of Book Fair 2024:

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